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Total War Battles - Shogun for iPhone and Android

Total War Battles - Shogun for iPhone and Android

The latest version of Creative Assembly's Total War series, hits the iphone, ipad and Android platforms.
This version is specifically designed for the mobile and touch screen devices, really homing in on the abilities of each device and providing an in-depth experience for users.

Choosing the 'Unity' development platform, they were able to go direct to creating the game instead of worrying about how to make a multi-platform codebase.
Unity is a feature rich, fully integrated development engine for the creation of interactive 3D content.
It provides complete, out-of-the-box functionality to assemble high-quality, high-performing content and publish to multiple platforms.
You can even export for the major browsers, iOS, Android, Desktop PC, Wii, PS3 and the Xbox 360.

With the engine sorted, Creative Assembly's team have built a solid strategy game, to keep you playing for endless hours.
Featuring a campaign mode and also a multiplayer option, this is a great handheld version of the popular franchise. For those who love the fully blown Total War series, this is a must have for those 'mobile' gaming moments.

Superb strategy game, in keeping with the series

The 'cartoon' look is done really well, but not our cup of tea hence we drop a star here.

Plenty to keep you going and plenty of variety.

Hollettgaming Overall Rating:

Great Mobile app, a must have for Total War fans.
Written by HollettGaming on the 6/10/2012


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