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Virtual Airliner 2 Needs You

Hi everyone,

Virtual Airline 2 as you may be aware is currently in development.

There are a lot of plans already, but we would like you to add comments to this news post on what you would like to see in the new version, we'll do our best to get these in for you!

Some ideas we need everyones input on:

- Planes to include in the game?
- Would you like to be able to save your game and come back later?
- There are some training levels planned (light aircraft, medium range aircraft, large aircraft etc), passing them unlocks certain aircraft, does this seem appealing to you?
- Fuel levels, damage, age of craft may impact the game, do you see any other things that might be good to include?
- Would you like a high score system to complete with others?
- What about a separate section of HollettGaming, just for VA?

We would love to get your thoughts and feedback, so please add a comment to this news post and we will also reply to you.

Happy gaming in the mean time!
Written by HollettGaming on the 10/13/2010


An Antonov An-225 Myra would be nice
In response to rohangupta:
This has been added to the list of planes to consider.
On VA2 can you have a Boeing 737-800
Domek Kwolczak
In response to Domek Kwolczak:
We will be adding new aircraft over the coming months, check out the news on www.virtualairliner.com
what about ww2 planes like the me-264
In response to seun:
This might be something added at a later date, for now we are focusing on airliners.
what about ww2 planes eg yak 3
In response to seun:
This might be something added at a later date, for now we are focusing on airliners.
An A380 will be good
In response to Luca:
The Airbus A380 has been added to the latest Beta Version available at http://www.VirtualAirliner.com
Please,give us the second version when is the date it comes out please
In response to Ben:
Due to the sheer scale of the game, we do not know the exact release date yet. We will update our news pages once this is known.
how about some helicopters, controls to put landing gear down and up, military planes, airforce 1, cargo planes with cargo, and some ww2 planes including some landings on a AIRCRAFT CARRIER.
In response to Dil:
Thank you for your comments.
Helicopters will not be included unfortunately. Landing gear controls will be put to the community after release of the next version as we feel this may complicate things a little. Cargo planes will be an option but maybe not the first release. WW2 planes will not feature just yet. Military planes are planned but not for the first release. Aircraft carrier landing is one that we would like to include but we will see if this is possible.
In response to sencere:
We are not sure on this as yet since the game is taking a lot of effort to create. We will let you know in the news pages when more information is known.
When the beta test version of VA2 will released?
In response to AHMED GUJJAR:
We are not sure on this as yet since the game is taking a lot of effort to create. We will let you know in the news pages when more information is known.
a private jet maybe?
miles martin
In response to miles martin:
Thank you for your comment. There will be some small jet aircraft.
when VA2 will be released and on which site? and how about including boeing 747-400 please answer me soon
Ahmed Gujjar
In response to Ahmed Gujjar:
Thank you for your comment. We do not have a fixed date for the release since it has turned out to be more work than we thought. The game will only be available on HollettGaming.com. One Boeing 747 will be in the game.
Will they have b757
In response to sencere:
This plane will be considered.
A sports plane or a water flyer
In response to Ben:
This is something that will not be in version 2. We will keep this comment on file however should we change our plans.
Would you give us a third version???
In response to Ben:
Lets wait for version 2 to be complete before thinking about version 3. There will also be a beta test version soon, details will follow shortly.
An Fokker
In response to Ben:
Which Fokker are you suggesting. There are many Fokker aircraft.
ya need a bomber
miles martin
In response to miles martin:
There will be a bomber included. This will be to use against the rebels on Rebal Island should you wish to attack them. Note that if you do not have a bomber, its best to keep clear of Rebels airspace.
We need an Airbus 380 and an Airbus 340
In response to Ben:
Airbus will certainly feature in the game. We will look at the requested versions and see if they fit the range of planes we are planning on.
All is ok
what planes does VA2 have?
miles martin
In response to miles martin:
At the moment there are around 8 planed. let us know if there are any you would like to see added.
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