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Development Update

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Development continues on the new Virtual Airliner 2.

The aircraft physics have been updated to give more of a difference in flight control between planes. Thought the overall look will remain as it was in the first Virtual Airliner, there is now an ability to fly in all directions so you will need to master not only altitude and speed, but also rotation!

There are two planes currently coded, a light Cessna and a heavy 747.  Expect the light aircraft to be nimble and easy to control, but the heavy aircraft to be less manoeuvrable and a little tricker to handle.

The overall map is complete, with a few different islands to transport passengers to and from. Work will continue on populating the islands with buildings and other scenery next, then on to constructing the other in game elements such as purchase of planes and population management of the islands airports.

New aircraft will also be added, any suggestions are welcome. Drop us a message on our contact page.
Written by HollettGaming on the 6/25/2010


Hi all, please checkout out new article on VA2 here: Virtual Airliner 2 Needs You
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