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Sector53 Development Log 4

Sector53 Development Log 4

Development continues on Sector53, our space based, asteroid mining game based on the old Amiga title “K240” by Gremlin Interactive.
Here is a bit of an update on how things have progressed since our last post.


Gameplay Updates:

New code for oxygen, water and radiation is now in place.
Radiation is caused by various buildings and each race has their own tolerance to that.
Building new radiation filters is needed in some cases.
Population will start to die if there is a lack of primary resources, or too much radiation.

Many upated to the UI have been happening too, like when building buildings you can now build more than one at a time instead of having to go back through the menus to pick it each time.

Ore trading is now being focused on to provide the core selling element of the game, this should be much more polished off in the coming months.


New modular ship parts and a ship configurator has been developed, this should speed up adding ships into the game and will also pave the way for customising your own ships later in the development cycle.


Sector Map:

This has had a lot of updates to try make it more usable.

It enables sending ships to sectors you havent explored yet as well as sending ships and missiles to other asteroids when you have found them.
Asteroid engine control code has also been added in, where you can change the course of the asteroid should you need to (if you have built engines!).
This is pretty clunky at the moment, needs more attention!



There is a new missile purchase screen as well as a launch control screen.
Buys missiles and attack others with them.
Basic code is in place for this to work for the player attacking the enemy, but not the other way around just yet!



A few new buildings are in place too:

Trade Outpost
Defense Turret
Repair Facility
Radiation Filter



A few AI updates have been happening, though the focus is more on the player and trading of ore at the moment, they can now at least build their own ships to defend themselves with.

The AI ships (if they have built any) will fire upon yours should you be tempted to send some over for a visit.


Some other stuff worked on includes:

Building and Ship health bars added floating above them to indicate their damage level

Screenshake effects added

Ore and mining algorithm updates

Missiles code, missile launch animations and effects

Building menu filters by building classification

Ship to Ship combat added

Ship to Asteroid combat added

Laser beam and laser beam rendering scripts added to combats

Repair Facility coded to auto repair damaged buildings

Plus lots more and not forgetting many bug fixes!



Next Steps:

Development continues and will progress more into 2020, with monthly Alpha releases!


The most recent Alpha version (1.20.0) was released on 16th December 2019, to Patrons to play as it stands at the moment.

There is a PC and Mac OSX alpha release, playable now.


You too can get the alpha version of the game and be involved in the games development here:



Written by Ford Hollett on the 1/3/2020


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