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Running Achievements Android App is in production

Running Achievements Android App is in production

Due to popular demand and the great success of the iOS app, we have now started the Android version.


The good news is the initial conversion to Android works pretty well straight out the box, there are just a few tweaks and tunes we need to make.


So rest assured the Android app will be coming early in the new year!


The first testers are now having a play on their trusty Android phones and its looking pretty positive so far.


If you would like to test the early test version, please drop us a comment below and we will see if we can send it to you for testing.

Written by Ford Hollett on the 12/19/2019

Download Links:

App Store
Play Store

Images / Screenshots:

Run details and notes


I would be happy to be a beta tester on a samsung android. Thanks
Sudipta Moore
In response to Sudipta Moore:
Details sent!
Yes very happy to test new android app :)
Katie Davies
In response to Katie Davies:
Details sent!
I too would be happy to test the Android version - particularly if it confirms my platinum obsessive badge next Saturday Regards. John Cosgrove.
John Cosgrove
In response to John Cosgrove:
Added you to the test group!
Hi. Id be very happy to be an Android tester. Ive going that an interesting range of additioan interesting range of additional stats does wonders for my parkrun mmotivation
In response to Martin:
No problem, link sent!
I am more than willing to test the Android version of your app should you still have need for testers. Thanks
Jason Porrill
In response to Jason Porrill:
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