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Micro Machines Now on iOS

Micro Machines Now on iOS

The old classic Micro Machines retro game finally gets a remake and release for the iOS.


This one brings back memories!

EA and Chillingo Ltd have teamed up to create a rather fantastic remake of the classic Micro Machines top down racer.


So much fun was had with this game on the Sega Mega Drive with a number mates round playing together and even the GameBoy version was pretty neat!


Now it's back with modern technologies, you play on your iPhone!


It's pretty darn fantasic to be honest and what's more it's free which is how we like our games here at Hollett Gaming.


Ok, its a bit irritating having to wait for gems or spend a fortune buying them, but it is actually possible to play this without having to spend anything at all.


So it's a no brainer if you loved the original, grab it now on the App Store.




Written by Ford Hollett on the 8/10/2016

Download Links:

App Store


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